ProjectWise Web & Drive

Tell us what you think about ProjectWise Web and Drive

View online or download CAD files with updated references

I would like to know if there are any improvements planned to ProjectWise Web for viewing or downloading CAD drawings and their references. Currently, only the download of the master drawing and its references in a zip is available, which must then be opened to fix the links. This is a huge problem for making inquiries or measurements (it is not about editing the drawings, which is what ProjectWise Explorer is for), especially if you need to download several drawings and for each one you have to download repeated references and link them again.

Couldn't a Microstation / AutoCAD online viewer be implemented ... or the possibility to download the references linked to a standard relative path at least?

Thank you very much in advance

  • Guest
  • Sep 25 2020
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    February 12, 2021 08:24

    The ability to view CAD files in native format through the web interface is critical functionality. We want to move large numbers of our team to the web interface, but need to maintain the ability for them to view a CAD file, without needing to download it and open it in a design application like MicroStation or even View.!