ProjectWise Web & Drive

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Prevent documents with the same code

The system should not be able to assign the same document code to another document that is in the recycle bin. This happens when we delete the last document created. 
The system should take into account the documents that are in the recycling bin to always assign one that is unique
  • Guest
  • Jul 5 2023
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    13 Oct, 2023 03:00pm

    We have face the same situation

    In addition to the above request, a warning should be given to the user. So the user or the project admin could make an inform decision to overwrite or not a document code.

    Document in the delete bin have a 2 to 6 month delay before being removed. Which could prevent us to reuse an existing Document Code.

    This may raise the question to be able to set Obsolete on any document at any point in time. This way we can reduce the need to "delete" a document to a strict minimum when and where it is really necessary.

    Obsolete documents will be visible to only a select group (Obsolete Admin) and they could be restore only after being send to review. (like through a review process using deliverable management)